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Official Star Trek Convention - Secaucus NJ - 3/7/08-3/9/08

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May 2, 2004
Posts: 34

PostPosted:     Post subject: Official Star Trek Convention - Secaucus NJ - 3/7/08-3/9/08
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Well, I just went to my first Star Trek convention today, and it was fun. There were a couple of things that happened that were pretty memorable and funny, and I thought I'd share them with everyone.

The celebrities I saw were Chase Masterson (STAR TREK DS9s Leeta, STAR TREK: OF GODS AND MENs Xela), Armin Shimerman (DS9's Quark), Rene Auberjonois (DS9's Odo) & Brent Spiner (TNG's DATA).

One of the funniest moments was when Renee and Armin were on stage together answering questions from the audience, and a young boy went up to ask them 'Who is your favorite Star Trek character?' Armin answered Quark, and everyone laughed, and then Renee said Quark, and everyone laughed again. And then they turned to the little boy, and asked who his favorite character was...and he said 7 of 9. The whole audience just howled.

Another memorable moment was when a woman in the audience had her seat number called during a give-away of some autographed photos. They asked her to come on stage to pull out the number for the next winner, and she pulled out the number of the guy she came with. The whole audience started yelling 'It's a fix, it's a fix'...and then her boyfriend came on stage...and proposed to her. It was a set-up, but not in the way it appeared at first. They met at a convention about a year ago, and he read some comments he had written about how they had grown together over the last year. Then he got down on one knee, and gave her a ring, and even though I didn't actually hear her say yes, it was clear by their kissing and hugging that she did. The crowd loved it.

Lastly, I just have to say that I was surprised at how completely normal most people at the convention were. While there were clearly some people who REALLY get into Sci Fi, the atmosphere was very friendly and inviting, and I'll definitely be going back again soon.

Also, the celebrities were so relaxed and friendly with everyone. And when they were on stage, they were surprisingly funny. Each of them. And they all seem to like one another a lot. Almost everytime one of them was on stage, they would end up being heckled by another celebrity, in a joking way. It was kindof fun how they would riff back and forth, and share stories about their personal lives, how they met, and the projects they are working on now. It was really a much more familial type of experience than I expected.

Patrick Stewart is speaking there tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be able to make it there for that...but I'm already thinking about which convention I'd like to go to next.

I highly recommend that anyone here who hasn't gone to one to try it out. It was a blast.

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May 2, 2004
Posts: 34

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Just curious as to whether or not anyone is planning on going to the Star Trek Convention in Vegas this August?

I've never been to Vegas, but the convention sounds like it might be a lot of fun. It's in the Hilton where they have a Star Trek exhibit and there are already over 60 celebrities booked.

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